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One theme I saw is that most students are interested in how media has progressed through the years and the effects it has in shaping our culture.

 Another common theme I saw is the immense use of social media as a means to stay in touch or to just communicate. Many in the class note various forms of social media as well.

The last major theme I noticed was in regards to how users viewed support and ease of use. Many of the challenges users mentioned related to usability and accessibility as well as just general quality of life problems for the user. This highlights the importance of the user in any media. 


Some changes I would make to my media list is that I would create variation when I got to the specific media I consumed. For example, for youtube, instead of mentioning one thing I watched, I would add a couple things I watch in my free time. I also think I could have started less broad in my media as many of my classmates narrowed into a closer scope much quicker than I did. Listing the hierarchy instead of drawing it out is also a change I could see being beneficial. I would also add more issues or user problems I specifically faced.

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